On Monday, March 27th 2023 I awoke in the wee hours of the morning from what I knew to be a very important dream . . . a dream which deeply affected me emotionally.
Before I tell the substance of the dream, I must first explain the background. You see, it was the most recent in a pattern of dreams which I started having in my mid-twenties, so . . . about 40 years now. And I had thought that pattern was completed, and no longer a part of my life. I hadn’t had any of them for about 5 years.
I had married at 17 years old. That ‘marriage’ was 7 years of torment – cruelty, lies, infidelity, drug abuse and finally, at the end, physical violence. All from a man who, several years in, actually told me that he didn’t love me, he had never loved me, he had always loved ‘her’ (only the first of several ‘hers’ in our marriage). I had been determined never to be divorced, because of what I had known of my mother and grandmother’s lives and divorces. But after a certain point, the Holy Spirit told me that this wasn’t how I was supposed to be raising my children.
Once that ‘marriage’ was finished and I had walked away, it took a substantial amount of time for me to try to understand if I should consider myself free to remarry, or just be celibate for the rest of my life. I had never attended any kind of church, and had no religious upbringing at all, and no source of spiritual guidance, except my scriptures and the Holy Spirit. It was during this time of struggling to figure out if I should remarry or be celibate, that I began having the dreams.
I could be having any normal dream, when off in the distance I would see a solitary wolf. It was always initially in the same stance – standing erect, with its right side toward me, and its head turned, facing in my direction.
It would then start running toward me.
More would join it. Soon there would be a whole pack of wolves chasing me. I was terrified, running for my life. But they were always faster than me, they would always be gaining on me. Eventually, I would have no other escape but to fly into the air, which I did. But it was a struggle. I would be just barely up out of their reach, while they leapt and snapped at my heels.
And then I would wake up.
This was very much about all the men that seemed to be suddenly, constantly coming out of the woodwork at me in my waking life, that was clear. And it was something that I had to deal with for decades. And so the dreams were there . . . for decades.
The following is a video of a song that I wrote at that time in my life. I just sang out what I felt, so I hope it enables you to feel how the dreams were just a reflection of my waking life. The picture is me at about age 30, taken by my firstborn, Jaimie.
Once I found my current husband in 2018 and we were married, which the Father made VERY clear was His doing, I assumed that dream pattern was finished in my life.
Until that Monday morning in March of 2023.
I was asleep in my bed in my home. I was dreaming that I was walking home on a lovely day, from the small town that we live a few miles outside of. As I reached the cross street that leads into our neighborhood, I was about to turn to the right down that road, toward home. I glanced to the left, where that cross street went across the larger road, in the direction I wouldn’t be walking. In the distance, I saw a wolf, standing with the familiar stance, looking me straight in the eye. This was the same way that my previous wolf pack dreams had always started out. Then I did a double take – wait a minute. That’s not a wolf. It’s a coyote. And it didn’t start toward me, as was the norm in my previous dreams.
I turned to the right and started toward home. And as I did, the whole tone and atmosphere of the dream completely changed. Suddenly the whole world became very dark and foreboding. And very intense, hyper-realistic. But I wasn’t afraid, and I wasn’t running. My attire changed. I found myself dressed as a warrior. I became aware of more of the creatures here and there – behind a wooden fence, peering out from behind a building or a tree – also not wolves. Hyena, dingo, fox, every kind of canid except wolves.
I could feel the evil – the air was thick with it, it permeated everything. But I was undeterred. I was steadfast in my resolve. Just keep walking home. I know where home is, and I will get there. And then the neighborhood changed. I still knew where home was, but the path to it now became an obstacle course, a complicated maze. Not the quick and easy journey I was familiar with. And I was acutely aware of the presence of each demonic canid, and the danger they represented. Even though I didn’t always physically see them, I could feel them, and I knew where they were.
I focused on the path home. One step after another.
I rounded the last corner, onto my own street finally, and I could see home at the end of the block. Suddenly one of the canids, a huge rottweiler, leapt out of the darkness at me from behind! In some kind of unexpected, instinctive move, my left fist swung up and struck it down dead, instantly, in one blow. I didn’t have to think, it just happened. I didn’t even have to divert my gaze, which remained steadfast. I WILL Get Home.
I kept taking one determined step at a time, and soon reached my destination. I opened the door to go in, and there was much family inside, and there seemed to be a celebration happening. There was light and joy. I went inside and closed the door behind me. And then I woke up.
The contrasts
What were the differences between the original dream pattern, and this particular dream?
- The Nature of the Threat (Not wolves, but all types of other canids)
This is not the same threat that I’ve dealt with through my whole adult life, it’s different. And each aspect, each occurrence can be expected to be unique in its presentation and character.
In my previous dream pattern, the wolves would simply chase me with wild, reckless abandon. In this new dream, they were stealthy, strategically stalking me.
- The Nature of the World (Dark; Ominous; Foreboding)
In my previous dreams of this pattern, I was in the normal world, the world I grew up with. When the wolf pack appeared and took chase, that didn’t change.
But in this most recent dream, the whole nature of the world drastically changed. It was suddenly saturated with evil . . . overwhelmingly maleficent. I almost think there are no words to describe the feeling . . . and then I think, hmmm. You can actually feel a small portion of that in our waking world right now. I look around at the political and social realms and see so much hatred and antagonism. Maybe what I saw/felt in the dream was what we would see/feel if our day-to-day waking world had the spiritual veil removed.
We are most assuredly in the end times.
- MY Nature (No longer a wounded bird in flight . . . Now a warrior)
In my previous dreams of this pattern, when chased by a pack of wolves, I was naturally afraid, and ran for my life.
This time, there was no fear, no panic, no running away, even though I was more acutely aware of the depth of the evil nature of those seeking my destruction.
I knew my purpose, and I had a plain, matter-of-fact goal . . . to make it home. This was completely lacking in the original dream pattern.
The People & steps that helped me to understand
- Jaimie Renee Mathis
Immediately the day of the dream, after getting through my morning chores, I called my firstborn daughter Jaimie to discuss it with her. I know she is interested in the meaning and significance of dreams, and is a fellow truth-seeker, as I am.
I remember her saying, in response to something I said, “I don’t know, Mom. I think it’s more about how much you’ve changed and grown over the years.” I didn’t really understand at first how right she was, until I realized that the change was not the typical, worldly ‘personal growth’ people speak of, but the result of finding so much of that ‘Truth’ that I had spent years searching out, sometimes at great personal cost.
- Janice Baca of Benai Emunah Institute
Within less than a week after my dream, Janice posted something on our group message board that opened my eyes to something. She was beginning a series of blog posts regarding the spirit(s) of the Creator, and the Messiah.
Upon reading what she had put together, I was stunned to realize that my dream had been the answer to a question that I had been pondering for quite some time. This was the Father showing me the answer to my question . . . in a very vivid and profound way.
What was the question? Well, I have felt that the Holy Spirit has been with me since early childhood. It’s only been within the last year that I’ve really come to see and understand why that’s been the case. And I believe now more than ever that the Holy Spirit has indeed been with me, guiding me and protecting me, since early childhood. So I thought, how will that be different in the end times? This concept of the latter rain, and a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit, how will that be different from what I’ve always had available from the Holy Spirit?
Oh my. The difference the Father showed me – the difference between this dream, and the lifelong pattern – is just stunning.
- Sabbath Meeting Leader
For less than a year now, my husband & I have been part of a Sabbath group led by a man with a good deal of wisdom and insight. He declined to be mentioned in this blog post. I believe it was near the end of one of the Sabbath meetings that he made a comment about expecting to soon see believers ‘rise up in power and authority’.
To hear that wording took my breath away, and I felt that was what my dream had been showing me.
Some of us have spent most of our lives Loving the Creator and His son the Messiah. And some of us have known the blessing of feeling His presence and power in our lives on a regular basis.
But this point in history is different.
There has been a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit for years now, calling out to more and more of us, at an ever accelerating rate. We are called to recognize who we are, and the responsibility that we have – first to the Father, and also to each other.
Some of us feel this is the most important thing in life. Or, as I’ve said to people before, it’s more important than “life or death”.
We are the generation born into the final battle. He has designed us, nurtured us, and led us through life. It is His process for molding us. And he has dropped us here into this timeline . . . dropped us behind enemy lines . . . for such a time as this.
If we have eyes to see and ears to hear, if we answer that call to, ‘come out of her my people’, then that latter rain outpouring will enable us to do as the Father intended – to rise up in power and authority – and conquer all that comes against us.
To make it safely home to Him.
We need to know our purpose. Know our goal. And listen to the Spirit, who will strengthen and guide us . . . in ways far beyond our previous experience.
Daniel 11:32b “ . . . but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”